12/12/10 (1037)
Even though I'm a little saddened that I won't be going back to Haiti for awhile, I know all things work out for God's good. I printed out pictures to give to some of the patients and I'm not sure if I'll see them again because I don't know when I'll be returning yet. As well as to say goodbye to some volunteers not coming back. But, I can still praise God for the warm (and cold) weather, safety in Haiti, for rest and for work. I do not want to be idle during this time, so show me ways that I can serve You. I am enjoying my time with Wilshaw, but the days seem lonely by myself because I'm always used to being around people all the time except for my bible study time. It's good to have time just to yourself, but I love community living and the supportive Christians in walking distance.
I can tell it is going to take much longer to make close friends when I return because of not living in a community (like you do in college) so you don't get to get to know each other as quickly. That's why the transition after college was hard. I enjoy community living! We don't have to live in the same house, but same neighborhood to easily meet up to share food, exercise, discuss the word of God, etc. I have been growing close to God and learning so much about His word this last couple months. I pray that you open that opportunity up for Wilshaw here in Dallas and for when I return.
I lift up Haiti now. Lord, only You know what is going to happen in these elections and in general. I pray hard against the use of violence to prove their points and get their way. I pray for all the innocent people who have to suffer because of a couple people causing violence. I understand the frustration (as much as I can for it not being my country) because the people have been lead by very corrupt presidents in the past that have not attempted to help them. And the situation since the earthquake has not really improved- now they also tackle cholera. It's sad that violence seems to be the only way they know how to show their anger and frustration over it. All the roads, shops, and airports are shut down. So now most people cannot work and therefore won't have necessary money for food and clean water. And aid organizations will start pulling out if the violence gets bad so then there won't be much needed medical care, especially for the cholera outbreak.
So I pray that God's truth and gospel be heard among the turmoil. Without a change of heart and change of masters (God over sin), then not much will really change in Haiti. I lift up the true followers of Christ in Haiti as they suffer because of their fellow man's corrupt ways and as they preserve in the truth. May they find refuge and peace in Your promises. They will one day suffer no more, but live in eternity with You. I have met so many wonderful Haitians- to numerous to name them all.
Lord, You know my heart and my desires, but I will trust that things will go according to Your will in terms of when I will go back to Haiti and a future job back in America when I return. I will be excited to come back to America, but right now I feel slightly unsettled here because I feel that God is not finished with me yet in Haiti. But I should gladly receive the blessing of time here that God has given to me. I should rejoice and be glad in it, for each day is a gift.
13/12/10 (1721)
How grateful I am for this day. Through the temptations and the joys. I thank You for the Holy Spirit's guidance and Your word to study. It's so great to study history. And to see the examples of men who claimed to be Your children in godly and ungodly moments. We are also called to be the light & salt to this generation. I pray that I serve God in my words, actions, thoughts, & behaviors. Guide me to make my talk about Haiti this Sunday to reflect Your work through me in Haiti. May I take none of the glory.
I've been picking up things for our kitchen in Haiti, gifts for Gamide, and pictures for some patients & friends in Haiti. I'm so excited to give the little gifts out. People carry a few pictures, but it's hard to come by pictures in Haiti so I'm so excited to give out these pictures! But whew- it's different being back in the consumerism culture and driving! It's scary getting on these highways in Dallas because people drive super fast and expect you to force yourself on instead of making it clear that they're letting you on.
Well, it's time to practice my Kreyol and make lasagna.
14/12/10 (1212)
How excellent is God's name and truth. How we might fill our lives with temporary things that make us feel "good" or happy, but how short-lived they are compared to eternity with God in Heaven. Where there is true joy, peace, and love; and no more mourning, pain, or death. The reason You gave us the prophecy in the bible is to foretell us of what is yet to come so we can prepare ourselves. The devil knows Christ's return is coming, so he's fighting hard until his doom to bring as many souls into misery and final death with Him. It aches me to know so many people who don't believe or accept the truth. I hope to be a good friend to them in sharing the gospel, not just in words, but in action.
Lord, that is why no matter how many things are on my "to do list," I cannot compromise my time with You. I can cut out other unnecessary things. In bible study today, I read about Absalom's revolt. The theme taken from it was often things are not what they seem. For example, a smile covers an aching heart. As God's light & salt on this earth, I need to be open & sensitive in order to look beyond appearances in order to see people and situations for what they really are. This can be difficult because it takes time & effort to be a good friend as well as emotional energy in bearing in others burdens. Sacrificing ourselves to help (people other than family & friends) is against our fleshly nature a lot of times so it can be tough! But even with family it can be hard at times.
15/12/10 (1143)
Wow! The more I study God's word, the more I love God and have a better understanding of this world & my life. There are so many ways people try to disprove the gospel, but the truth will be made known one day in visible view to everyone. Help me to guard what I watch and read. Grant me understanding of what people believe so that I can relate to them and know the best way to share the gospel.
Thank You for placing Jenny in my life. A Christian nurse who works at Children's hospital in Dallas as a clinical nurse educator. She volunteered at HAH for 1 week in November. She gave me a tour and then explained how best to apply to the ICU's or floors. Apparently to work in the ICU, it would best for me to have peds or ICU experience before. So the options are to go through an internship program (with classes & longer training) to prepare me for the ICU (it's for post-grads or people like me who did adult nursing & want to switch to peds) or to start on a Peds floor first. It would start in June if they discover a need for more ICU nurses. Jenny said she loves working there. So I'm not going to worry about it, I know God will provide something for me where I will be the most effective as a Christian nurse.
16/12/10 (1153)
Gracious Father, I am so thankful & glad for this chance to visit my family. Allow me to be a blessing to them, and not use this week selfishly. I'm the one getting a 3-4 week break here so I should be serving them in anyway. I was glad for the 75 degree weather we had yesterday. Wilshaw and I got to eat outside and sit in the hot tub. Boy, did that feel good on the muscles. I've been having a great trip home- got some sleep on the first plane and did bible study on the second plane ride. I am almost finished with my photo album for Sondy, Gamide, Grace Orphanage, and Robenson's wedding. Excited to give them out!
17/12/10 (1021)
It's so nice to see my family! And even though it's really cold, the snow is beautiful. But boy am I glad for a warm house. I get to spend the day with my Grandma and my Aunts.
18/12/10 (1006)
I am grateful for this day of rest, service, & worship (well I should say week and a half of rest). Today, I will be helping my sister out with her school project. May I use today to serve my family with love and to honor my parents as God has asked us to do. It's been fun going on walks with my parents and Roxie. I stopped by to see Chris, Maria, & Greg. I love catching up with friends & family.
20/12/10 (1123)
I am so glad that I go to see my loving church family yesterday and to share what I've been doing. I was so happy that my whole family came too. We all worked together on Mary's projects afterwards and had a wonderful meal. Grant Mary & I the nursing knowledge needed for these care plans (brings back my college days) and projects. But, Lord, I lift up a request to fend the devil off because he is really trying to distract me right now. And I like how Pastor Steve said, we, as Christians, can't say "I can't help myself" because we have the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to fight it off. I want to think of what is holy, pure, & righteous.
22/12/10 (0847)
How great and magnificent is God. You make the sunrise and set everyday, as well as our heartbeats & breaths. So no matter what is happening, I can still praise You and seek You. I thank You for yesterday to spend chatting with my Grandma, organizing my finances, and spending the evening with church friends. It was fun to see Joe and Alison; I haven't seen them in years! I exercised with Mr. Dixon in the morning. Last night my parents & I went to the Dixons for a game night and chatting. I love it when my family sits down together for meals or games.
Well, time to begin this day. Lead me, O gentle Savior, so that in all that I have to do, I am still representing You and serving You. Not just doing busy work with a stressed attitude. There is no point to a "to do" list if I'm not glorifying You with it. Which reminds me I need to call my Grandma Fleur again because I felt like I was busy with other things when talking to her yesterday and didn't represent Christ in that instance.
23/12/10 (2331)
I am so thankful for these 5 days to spend with Mike and Wilshaw. And for our family Christmas celebration last night with dinner and playing games around the fire. It is such a joy when I can just enjoy time with my family. As we get older and our schedules are different, you learn to cherish those special moments. Like doing errands with my dad in the morning and eating lunch with my mom at her work. Lord, continue to give me wise choices with my finances. Relying on donations gives me extra accountability and I pray that I use it wisely.
Mike and I had fun traveling to Dallas. We explored the Chicago O'hara airport. It's like a museum in there! And they have one terminal that has a light show on the roof and relaxing music. I could have sat there for awhile and enjoyed that. Then we enjoyed a game of spit after dinner. I just love hanging out with Mike- the simplicity of having fun and chatting. Well, the flight is descending. I just realized I've probably ridden as many flights this past year than I have my whole life. Don't think I'd want a job where I had to fly all the time though.
24/12/10 (1146)
Savior, as we look forward to celebrating Your birth, I pray that we truly reflect on ourselves and think of others above ourselves. I can see my spiritual growth as well as things I still need to change to grow.I don't want to be a lukewarm Christian. In revelation 3: 15-16, Jesus says "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth." I want to follow Christ no matter what the cost. I lift up the Christians in Iraq in other parts of the world that are being persecuted, even killed, for claiming faith in Jesus. May You give them hope and peace so that they will see the future life for believers. It gets me thinking, would I really openly claim to follow Christ if I could be beaten or killed for it? I hope I would.
25/12/10 (1600)
Rejoice, Rejoice~ Emmanuel was born. We celebrate the miraculous birth of God's only son, Jesus today. It can be easily drowned out by the business of planning, cooking, services, shopping, decorating, etc. But to truly sit and contemplate on the miracle with each other and what the birth brought to us. Emmanuel, Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. There are so many wonderful ways to describe Jesus.
For me, having a year away from decorating and shopping/making gifts has been a good way to change it up. Don't get me wrong- I still enjoy those things & will be excited for them next year. Other traditions, such as having peanut butter kiss cookies on Christmas Eve, were a little different this year too. The 3 of us had dinner by candlelight and fire. We then sat by the fire and enjoyed its warmth. We had a little bible study and made s'mores. It felt nice to go to bed early. I thought we'd be up by 6am, but we slept until 8am.
We had some delicious baked oatmeal before out way to service. I enjoyed hearing Your story and promises. You are not distant, uncaring, fickle, or angry God (using that term as a God who just seeks to destroy us. Yes, you will judge us according to our works, but You desire us all to accept Christ's sacrifice in order that his blood will cover our sins and we can be saved). We went on a walking trail through downtown afterwards. We saw a couple people, but for the most part it was empty. It will be another wonderful evening to relax and enjoy each other's company.
Lord, I am still a sinner in need of your grace. My thoughts are still sinful at times. And I think the devil knows what tactics to use to try to get me to sin. And I think he tries harder when you are growing closer to God. But I know he's been defeated, so I pray for You to guard my mouth, mind, and soul. Help me not to make any haste decisions in sin. Help me remember I representing You every moment. I think of the girl at LCOG who wants to be a missionary when she's an adult so she looks up to what I am doing. And having the financial accountability really makes me have to not take my decisions, thoughts, & behaviors lightly. People know I call myself a Christian and they are watching. It's good though because accountability helps keeps us on tract (and get back on tract if you veer off the path) and can help you stay focused knowing others are watching. If I keep my thoughts on You and take the necessary precautions to avoid things that lead me to temptation, I can stay on the righteous path and Honor You. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, to take away my sins when I don't do that.
28/12/10 (1130)
I am having such a fabulous time with Mike and Wilshaw- cooking together, building fires, rock climbing, seeing the Chronicles of Narnia movie, making cookies, chatting, sitting in the hot tub, and going on walks. All 3 of us getting together won't happen as often as I'd like, so I like to cherish these moments.
29/12/10 (1548)
Even though I've had a great time visiting friends & family, I am ready to go back to Haiti on Sunday. I've gotten more than enough time to rest, spend time with friends & family (well I can always have more of that), & shop for some food to take back. I've gained back the 10-12 pounds I've lost, which I wanted too. But it's just funny how 1 month in America will do that to ya again. And I'm not exercising any different here- so it's definitely the diet! Now, I just need to prep myself for the cold showers, mosquitoes, and rice & beans!! But the team coming back has had lots of time to refresh & rejuvenate. Because of the presidential elections still up in the air, they are not taking any short term volunteers at the Adventist Hospital. So it will be the Lindsay's, the Dietrich's, Marc, Brian, Sarah, & I. We have had good teamwork in the past, so I pray that we will continue to work together as a team to serve our God. Give us the strength, courage, & wisdom to do Your will at Hopital Adventiste d' Haiti in this new year, 2011.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Week 14
6/12/10 (1335)
There is a lot going on today, but that is no reason to not take time out to spend with God. Help me to stay calm and composed today even though I'm tired and anxious for a break. Little things are annoying me, so I need to seek God to respond in the right manner as well as not to take things personal.
Yesterday the doctors did a couple surgeries and then organized supplies. I just asked them the questions I had on the patients and we saved all the wound vac changes for today. So it was nice because I could get other things done. I spoke to Mrs. Stevens (Wilshaw's mom), Sister Clemons, Wilshaw, and my family! And then we celebrated Audra's last day with a wonderful dinner.
Unfortunately I cannot go the D.R. right now because the border is unstable. They still wanted me to leave the country (because they could get in legal trouble for letting me work more than 3 months without a visa) and this pilot, Joe, happened to have an extra seat on his 6-seater airplane. Apparently his missionary since 1976 has been flying this plane around the world, but mostly stations in Haiti, after disasters to deliver water purification system and share the gospel. And then Wilshaw offered to fly me to Dallas. So I'm going to stay until Sunday morning. It will be so nice to see him and meet everyone in Dallas. I'll get to see what my next location will be like. And get my fingerprints done!!
I really didn't want to go back to the US. until February at first (because of culture shock), but the flight is free for me and it will be nice to have the break. I know it's only been 3 months, but I'm ready for a tiny break. Amy & I were talking about how it really breaks your heart to see and hear all the sad stories, but after while the "gimmie" attitude (it's not everyone but it's enough that it starts to wear on) and the "rat-race" environment starts to burn you out. We were trying to figure out if we're becoming desensitized or losing compassion. I'm not sure, but I don't want it too because there truly is great need here and there are situations people are in not because of their own doing. I just want to approach it in the right manner because I don't feel like handing money out to people is the solution. I think the biggest problem really is that we live and work in the same place more than people begging- because I ran across lots of people begging in Pittsburgh. So we never feel like we leave work sometimes- I guess it teaches you that your work is your ministry! I feel a little guilty that I get to get away from the craziness here and most Haitians never will. I guess I need to be extra thankful.
So I pray for God to always grant me compassion and to bear with my fellow brothers & sisters in their sufferings. Guide me to know the right thing to do in each situation. Because You clearly place certain people in our paths at certain times because You have something You want us to do for them. Let me not brush those people off in my haste, discomfort, weariness, or any other excuse.
The election results are supposed to come out tonight. Not sure what will happen, but I pray that You will protect Your children. I pray for a revolution in Haiti. It's funny because I did come to Haiti nervous (the U.S. Embassy really tries to scare you) and now I realized I'm more relaxed. Of course there is a lot of bad things that happen (and things really could get very violent with the elections), but I have learned how to play it smart in Haiti and they are doing everything to keep us safe during the elections. But unfortunately it isn't a good spot for tourists. Which is shame because it has beautiful beaches and it could be a good source of income for Haitians. But without being with a trusted organization or trusted Haitians, it really isn't the safest to travel in Haiti. I want to buy Haitian artwork as gifts to support them.
I was so sad to see Audra go this morning. She is such a wonderful doctor. Marc & the doctors have decided the NICU needs to be shut down for now because the nurses are not able (or they just are not) taking care of the babies properly and there is no pediatric doctor on call every night. Audra did a great job but I know it was frustrating for her at times when nurses and the lab didn't do what they were supposed to do. For example, the pharmacy didn't have the anti-seizure medicine overnight, so instead of calling the doctor to see what else they could do, the nurses just would not do anything. And then the next morning Audra would find the babies seizing. And the lab wouldn't draw the labs when she polietly asked, but would get upset when she asked them about it. So it's good that they have hired Marc to organize a program for continuing education for the nurses. Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing nurses here. But in general, I don't know if it's lack of knowledge or care that sometimes follow-up care isn't the best.
But anyway, lol, that's just a couple frustrations. All in all, I am very glad to be here. I am sad that Sondy won't be here much longer after I return, but he needs to return to school. The clinic is very crowded today with having 3 ortho surgeons and a ortho resident. Scott Nelson, the peds ortho surgeon, is back for 2 weeks so a lot of patients came to see him. He was the one here for 6 months post quake. It's a good group though because they know the hospital but are going by what we do now. And they seem respectful. So even though it's busy, it's not bad.
It was fun last night listening to Spanish. There are 2 volunteers from the D.R. I actually can understand more than I thought I would. I think being forced to use another language here is improving my language skill ability. I do love spanish, but my speaking skills are rusty. Well, that's all on my mind (I know it's a lot)
7/12/10 (1830)
Something is so joyful about discovering/understanding more of God's truth. Sometimes I give up on trying to understand because it's hard and it's time consuming. But if I am going to make God number one in my life, then how else can I get to know You and Your truth. For me, prophecy is one of the hardest and most challenging things to comprehend. I'm glad for the guides to help me along, but You granting me understanding is what I need. Not so I can be puffed up with prideful knowledge, but so I know what's coming and how to prepare. It's like the Israelite's misinterpreted or did not study the prophecies that were describing Jesus, and then they missed who Jesus really was. I don't want to do the same thing about the prophecy You have given us about the future.
Now, I like this question posed: Do I make decisions based on passions & emotions or logic, reason, rational thinking. Or both. I like the example of David in 1 Samuel 26:5-11 versus 2 Samuel 11. What a drastic change in him. Power and authority lead him astray. What might be leading me astray: Seeking friendships (even Christian friendships) and filling my time with business over seeking God first. Those are the main two. I think God gave us passion and emotions because he didn't want to create robots. Now we can feel joy, excitement, happiness as well as sadness, disappointment, anger, and anxiety. Even though it's hard to deal with the latter group at times, it's better than not having any emotion. And our passions can help us to be productive and make a change. So it's up to us if we choose to be lead moment by moment by the Holy Spirit or not. So that answers the above question for me. Unfortunately too often than I like to admit I don't seek the Spirit in difficult or good times so I make decisions based on my emotions and my logic/reason without seeking God. I can't change the past, but seek to do better everday.
I had such a great bible study and a wonderful flight from Haiti to Fort Pierce, Florida today with a wonderful Christian pilot. I am starting my vacation days off wonderful. I woke up at 5am and left for the airport at 6:30 and somehow we got there by 7:15. The traffic is not that bad at 6am, so now I know when to travel in PaP.
Joe Hurston is such a joyful Christian man who uses many ways to minister. He is a pilot and founded, Air Mobile Relief Mission (http://dieunika.blogspot.com), which has one 6-seater airplane named Ti Bourik (Little Donkey in Kreyol). It flies all around the world to deliver water purification systems to areas after disasters and shares the gospel. He's been a pilot for 30 years and he's an excellent one. They have mostly been working in Haiti since 1976, so he speaks Kreyol. He knew the Hodges (the doctor who founded Good Samaritan's hospital in Limbe, where I spent 2 weeks). I guess the Lopital Adventiste has taken care of Joe's wife many times, so he is fond of it Amy told me. So he stopped by for a visit on Sunday and told Nathan he had an extra seat. So instead of going to the D.R., they decided to send me to Florida. Joe doesn't charge anyone that he takes on the flight (he said his pride doesn't let him), so I'd like to donate to his missionary when I start making money again.
So it was a a friend of Joe's son, 2 Haitian air-traffic control men, and myself besides Joe on the little plane. We started the flight with prayer. Joe did everything to make us comfortable. There was a lot of wind, so he had to fly lower and make a pit stop at Exuma Island in the Bahamas to refuel. So now I can say I've been in the Bahamas. He knew almost everyone there because he's been doing that since 1976. We flew along the Bahamas and I had no idea it was really that long! The color of the water was prettier than I can describe it. As well as the sky line. It never ceases to amaze me, and to think Heaven is going to be even better.
Flying over Haiti I was able to recognize some things from the air. The one Haitian, Junior, was laughing because he said "I think you know the landscape of Haiti better than me." Probably not, but I somehow have traveled to many parts of Haiti (didn't even plan on it).
Then when we got out of the airplane in Florida, my body also went into shock with the 55 degree weather. I had goosebumps all over, lol. You have to understand I haven't felt weather below 75 degrees (except for my shower) in 6 months. And I don't have any warm clothes so I had a summer skirt and sandles. I'll have to make a pit stop at goodwill for a pair of warm pants.
So I thought I would have more culture shock but I actually didn't. As much as I'm enjoying my time in Haiti, it's always nice to go home (or be around friends & family). I got out before the election results were released, so I pray for that situation. I learned that the area I'm living in PaP is the 2nd worse (poverty striken) area in PaP to Cite Soliel (Cite Soliel is the most poverty striken and dangerous spot in the Western Hemisphere. Used to be in the world at one point, but I think the middle east & other places have it beat now). So I guess that helps explains some things. I didn't know that.
Apparently a lot of families will try everything, like seeing the witch doctor, before coming to the hospital. So the patient, esp. the babies, are very bad off when they get here since they don't come here first. But apparently the Haitians like to sue (or whatever term they use) if the baby dies because they blame it on the last medicine that was given. So sometimes the Haitian doctors are slow to start aggressive treatment because if the baby dies without treatment, then they can't be blamed (so unfortunate that it's like that because of that). These babies chances of survival even with aggressive treatment is so-so here, so I guess they have to make that call of who to try to treat aggressively. Apparently they don't blame the foreigners for their babies dying though (even though they're doing almost the same thing the Haitian MD's would do).
Oh, and another random story is that apparently patients were throwing trash in the cholera toilets, so the machine wouldn't collect the stool. So now someone has to manually (by hand), go in and remove the trash from the cholera stool. So glad that's not going to be me.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Joe also drove me to the airport. We got in 2 hours later than planned, so he was going 85 mph down the highway. We got there at 3:40 pm and my flight was at 4:35pm. Luckily I didn't have to check any bags, but the security line was super long! But I tried to be patient and figure God would work it out even if I missed the flight (since he's worked out everything else). I got to the terminal at 4:12 and they were just finishing unloading the previous flight. I made it in time and had time to get lunch. I'm so excited to see Wilshaw. I think sometimes last minute plans make it super exciting because it wasn't something you were expecting. Although it's not good practice to follow because the flights cost a lot more the day before. I found a ticket from Miami to PaP (for when I return) for $180, but I had to wait for Nathan's approval since Loma Linda University would be paying for it. Well, by the way we bought it about 2 or 3 hours later, it cost $260. Crazy! So God, I know that's a lot of money and there are people who don't have enough money for clean water and food in Haiti. So I need to be humble and thankful that I get this opportunity.
Well, the flight is descending! Yea!! Also, I just thought of paved roads. Hallelujah- what a difference that makes!
9/12/10 (1130)
I am so thankful for this morning to sleep in, study Your word, relax, and play with Pepper (Wilshaw's cousin's dog). Nicky and Ian (Wilshaw's cousin), house is gorgeous and I'm very thankful they've allowed me to stay here. I'm not used to the cold so I'm here very cold even though it's really not that cold compared to Pennsylvania.
I think being in Haiti that God is teaching me how to balance my viewpoint, not be so cynical towards America, and not to judge those who choose to live in luxury. While I still think that living in excess comfort can be dangerous spiritually, I realized that most people (including Haitians), would choose to seek that first over helping their fellow brothers (as we can see the rich Haitians don't do much for their fellow countrymen that are suffering). And a lot of greed, corruption, etc is everywhere (I guess in my mind I thought America was the worst...but sin is the same everywhere, unfortunately. It just comes out in different ways in different places, but Jesus is the same solution for everyone and everywhere). So I'm not saying it's right no matter where you live, but it's helping me not to be judgmental because God is the judge, not us. He said the way we judge is the way we will be judged by Him. So I'll leave the judging up to Him. And I can't feel guilty about where I come from, but just try not to live above my means/needs.
Right now, in Haiti they are protesting because Jude Celestin was one of the top 2 presidential candidates from Nov. 28th election. There were 19 candidates and for one person to win this election, they needed to get more than 50% of the votes. Since no one did, they take the top 2 winners and vote between them in January. The person with the highest votes was Mirlande Manigat, and then Jude Celestin. And then less than 1% behind Jude Celestin was Michel Martelly. Well the riots are mainly Jude Celestin supporters and Michel Martelly supporters because it's believed that Jude Celesti rigged the results into winning (well, I believe it because one of the translators told me he was offered money to vote for Jude). Jude Celestin is engaged to the current president's, Rene Preval, daughter. So of course that is a little suspicious. So that's why people are so upset and protesting. Also if Celestin won he wouldn't do anything different than the current president is doing (which isn't much to help & make changes). I don't like to get involved with politics, but whoever wins this one will make a big difference for Haiti during this recovering phase. All in all, I pray that people truly turn to You instead of voo-doo and other things.
In contrast, I am relaxing comfortably in a fancy and expensive house. I'm not judging their choose, but I know this isn't for me. I think being away from the comfort I'm used to and undergoing various trials has lead me to grow closer to God. My friend Lindsay asked me how my walk with God was and she told me she always feels closer to God overseas because (paraphrased) in those times when you are not living comfortably and undergoing trials, we are often closest to God. But it's a hard concept. I don't think everyone has to live in another country necessarily for that to happen, but I think undergoing trials really does make us grow closer to God if we seek Him.
Tuesday night, Wilshaw took me for Mexican food. Double yum! And then Wednesday I went to his work. His co-workers are nice and fun to be around. We had breakfast and lunch together. They ordered Pad Thai. So I've had my fill- Mexican and Thai food. I met Dr. Rathjen again (one of the top specialty pediatric orthopedic surgeons I worked with in Haiti for a week). Apparently when Wilshaw emailed him to tell him I was coming, he emailed back within an hour and said to have me come visit him. He said I helped him out a lot. I don't necessary remember what I did for his group (we get new groups every week), but I'm thankful that I was able to help them. He was asking if I applied for a job in the hospital yet. Well, I think I would get a job knowing him, but I'm not sure yet if I want to work in orthopedics. I'd like to get some ICU experience.
Wilshaw and I did some shopping errands, including my fingerprints, yea!! So nice to wear a pair of jeans. I haven't in 3 months. We rented the movie "babies" and enjoyed leftovers. It's nice to be around my best friend. The time will go fast though. I'm getting things done while he's working. I'm going to pick pictures out to print for some patients & Haitian friends, practice Kreyol, and read. I am glad for another day to relax. Lord, please be with my friends in Haiti.
10/12/10 (1137)
How excellent is God's name. How righteous and holy are His ways. How short I fall of His standards, so the greatest gift is grace through Jesus Christ. There is lots of deception in this world and how detrimental it can be to let down my guard. I always need to be on my toes and testing the things I read or hear. Lord, I am very bad at sharing with those around me what I am learning from You. May You give me the confidence to do this. And help Wilshaw & I to keep You in the center and us to be 2 sinners saved by Your grace at Your feet seeking Your truth. Work in our hearts and guide our conversations. I can see why marriage is supposed to help make you more like God if you allow it too. Being in a relationship brings out the best and worst in you and forces you to acknowledge the ugly sin because it affects that other person. You might be able to hide it better if you are single. And then to hopefully repent from it so your relationship can function better and we become more like Christ. Well, I'm not clearly an expert in this arena (since I'm not married), but it's something to think about since that might be what God has in store for me and Wilshaw in the future. Marriage will be worth it, but it's not something to take lightly that's for sure!
Help me Lord, not to be bossy, easily annoyed over silly things, and unintentionally tearing someone down (even though my intention was to help them change). That's an ugly side in me sometimes (Wilshaw knows, unfortunately it comes out in front of him sometimes). I think as humans we can often put a lot of pressure on each other over things that only God can fulfill in our life. It's hard at times because living as You desire us is going against the grain of culture. We need You to help us do that.
It was such a blessing to meet up with Dr. Mike, Anna, and Jenny at the Korean restaurant. I worked with the 3 of them the same week as Dr. Ranthjen. Dr. Mike is finishing up his fellowship at the Scottish Rite Hospital (that's where Wilshaw works if I didn't mention that before). They are Christians as well, and it was great talking to them. May You bless Mike and Anna's new move/ministry to Philadelphia next year. I am excited to know Jenny because she is a nurse that works at Children's.
So I was excited because I got the pictures printed for the patients, but then I got a call that the flights to PaP were canceled through Sunday. And then I couldn't get a flight back until Friday. I actually really wanted to get back by Monday (to hand out the pictures and say bye to those not returning), so I pray for a flight to open earlier. But I won't let it discourage me because all things work out for Your good, Lord. Well, at least I'll get more time here in Texas with Wilshaw. I will rejoice in each day!
There is a lot going on today, but that is no reason to not take time out to spend with God. Help me to stay calm and composed today even though I'm tired and anxious for a break. Little things are annoying me, so I need to seek God to respond in the right manner as well as not to take things personal.
Yesterday the doctors did a couple surgeries and then organized supplies. I just asked them the questions I had on the patients and we saved all the wound vac changes for today. So it was nice because I could get other things done. I spoke to Mrs. Stevens (Wilshaw's mom), Sister Clemons, Wilshaw, and my family! And then we celebrated Audra's last day with a wonderful dinner.
Unfortunately I cannot go the D.R. right now because the border is unstable. They still wanted me to leave the country (because they could get in legal trouble for letting me work more than 3 months without a visa) and this pilot, Joe, happened to have an extra seat on his 6-seater airplane. Apparently his missionary since 1976 has been flying this plane around the world, but mostly stations in Haiti, after disasters to deliver water purification system and share the gospel. And then Wilshaw offered to fly me to Dallas. So I'm going to stay until Sunday morning. It will be so nice to see him and meet everyone in Dallas. I'll get to see what my next location will be like. And get my fingerprints done!!
I really didn't want to go back to the US. until February at first (because of culture shock), but the flight is free for me and it will be nice to have the break. I know it's only been 3 months, but I'm ready for a tiny break. Amy & I were talking about how it really breaks your heart to see and hear all the sad stories, but after while the "gimmie" attitude (it's not everyone but it's enough that it starts to wear on) and the "rat-race" environment starts to burn you out. We were trying to figure out if we're becoming desensitized or losing compassion. I'm not sure, but I don't want it too because there truly is great need here and there are situations people are in not because of their own doing. I just want to approach it in the right manner because I don't feel like handing money out to people is the solution. I think the biggest problem really is that we live and work in the same place more than people begging- because I ran across lots of people begging in Pittsburgh. So we never feel like we leave work sometimes- I guess it teaches you that your work is your ministry! I feel a little guilty that I get to get away from the craziness here and most Haitians never will. I guess I need to be extra thankful.
So I pray for God to always grant me compassion and to bear with my fellow brothers & sisters in their sufferings. Guide me to know the right thing to do in each situation. Because You clearly place certain people in our paths at certain times because You have something You want us to do for them. Let me not brush those people off in my haste, discomfort, weariness, or any other excuse.
The election results are supposed to come out tonight. Not sure what will happen, but I pray that You will protect Your children. I pray for a revolution in Haiti. It's funny because I did come to Haiti nervous (the U.S. Embassy really tries to scare you) and now I realized I'm more relaxed. Of course there is a lot of bad things that happen (and things really could get very violent with the elections), but I have learned how to play it smart in Haiti and they are doing everything to keep us safe during the elections. But unfortunately it isn't a good spot for tourists. Which is shame because it has beautiful beaches and it could be a good source of income for Haitians. But without being with a trusted organization or trusted Haitians, it really isn't the safest to travel in Haiti. I want to buy Haitian artwork as gifts to support them.
I was so sad to see Audra go this morning. She is such a wonderful doctor. Marc & the doctors have decided the NICU needs to be shut down for now because the nurses are not able (or they just are not) taking care of the babies properly and there is no pediatric doctor on call every night. Audra did a great job but I know it was frustrating for her at times when nurses and the lab didn't do what they were supposed to do. For example, the pharmacy didn't have the anti-seizure medicine overnight, so instead of calling the doctor to see what else they could do, the nurses just would not do anything. And then the next morning Audra would find the babies seizing. And the lab wouldn't draw the labs when she polietly asked, but would get upset when she asked them about it. So it's good that they have hired Marc to organize a program for continuing education for the nurses. Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing nurses here. But in general, I don't know if it's lack of knowledge or care that sometimes follow-up care isn't the best.
But anyway, lol, that's just a couple frustrations. All in all, I am very glad to be here. I am sad that Sondy won't be here much longer after I return, but he needs to return to school. The clinic is very crowded today with having 3 ortho surgeons and a ortho resident. Scott Nelson, the peds ortho surgeon, is back for 2 weeks so a lot of patients came to see him. He was the one here for 6 months post quake. It's a good group though because they know the hospital but are going by what we do now. And they seem respectful. So even though it's busy, it's not bad.
It was fun last night listening to Spanish. There are 2 volunteers from the D.R. I actually can understand more than I thought I would. I think being forced to use another language here is improving my language skill ability. I do love spanish, but my speaking skills are rusty. Well, that's all on my mind (I know it's a lot)
7/12/10 (1830)
Something is so joyful about discovering/understanding more of God's truth. Sometimes I give up on trying to understand because it's hard and it's time consuming. But if I am going to make God number one in my life, then how else can I get to know You and Your truth. For me, prophecy is one of the hardest and most challenging things to comprehend. I'm glad for the guides to help me along, but You granting me understanding is what I need. Not so I can be puffed up with prideful knowledge, but so I know what's coming and how to prepare. It's like the Israelite's misinterpreted or did not study the prophecies that were describing Jesus, and then they missed who Jesus really was. I don't want to do the same thing about the prophecy You have given us about the future.
Now, I like this question posed: Do I make decisions based on passions & emotions or logic, reason, rational thinking. Or both. I like the example of David in 1 Samuel 26:5-11 versus 2 Samuel 11. What a drastic change in him. Power and authority lead him astray. What might be leading me astray: Seeking friendships (even Christian friendships) and filling my time with business over seeking God first. Those are the main two. I think God gave us passion and emotions because he didn't want to create robots. Now we can feel joy, excitement, happiness as well as sadness, disappointment, anger, and anxiety. Even though it's hard to deal with the latter group at times, it's better than not having any emotion. And our passions can help us to be productive and make a change. So it's up to us if we choose to be lead moment by moment by the Holy Spirit or not. So that answers the above question for me. Unfortunately too often than I like to admit I don't seek the Spirit in difficult or good times so I make decisions based on my emotions and my logic/reason without seeking God. I can't change the past, but seek to do better everday.
I had such a great bible study and a wonderful flight from Haiti to Fort Pierce, Florida today with a wonderful Christian pilot. I am starting my vacation days off wonderful. I woke up at 5am and left for the airport at 6:30 and somehow we got there by 7:15. The traffic is not that bad at 6am, so now I know when to travel in PaP.
Joe Hurston is such a joyful Christian man who uses many ways to minister. He is a pilot and founded, Air Mobile Relief Mission (http://dieunika.blogspot.com), which has one 6-seater airplane named Ti Bourik (Little Donkey in Kreyol). It flies all around the world to deliver water purification systems to areas after disasters and shares the gospel. He's been a pilot for 30 years and he's an excellent one. They have mostly been working in Haiti since 1976, so he speaks Kreyol. He knew the Hodges (the doctor who founded Good Samaritan's hospital in Limbe, where I spent 2 weeks). I guess the Lopital Adventiste has taken care of Joe's wife many times, so he is fond of it Amy told me. So he stopped by for a visit on Sunday and told Nathan he had an extra seat. So instead of going to the D.R., they decided to send me to Florida. Joe doesn't charge anyone that he takes on the flight (he said his pride doesn't let him), so I'd like to donate to his missionary when I start making money again.
So it was a a friend of Joe's son, 2 Haitian air-traffic control men, and myself besides Joe on the little plane. We started the flight with prayer. Joe did everything to make us comfortable. There was a lot of wind, so he had to fly lower and make a pit stop at Exuma Island in the Bahamas to refuel. So now I can say I've been in the Bahamas. He knew almost everyone there because he's been doing that since 1976. We flew along the Bahamas and I had no idea it was really that long! The color of the water was prettier than I can describe it. As well as the sky line. It never ceases to amaze me, and to think Heaven is going to be even better.
Flying over Haiti I was able to recognize some things from the air. The one Haitian, Junior, was laughing because he said "I think you know the landscape of Haiti better than me." Probably not, but I somehow have traveled to many parts of Haiti (didn't even plan on it).
Then when we got out of the airplane in Florida, my body also went into shock with the 55 degree weather. I had goosebumps all over, lol. You have to understand I haven't felt weather below 75 degrees (except for my shower) in 6 months. And I don't have any warm clothes so I had a summer skirt and sandles. I'll have to make a pit stop at goodwill for a pair of warm pants.
So I thought I would have more culture shock but I actually didn't. As much as I'm enjoying my time in Haiti, it's always nice to go home (or be around friends & family). I got out before the election results were released, so I pray for that situation. I learned that the area I'm living in PaP is the 2nd worse (poverty striken) area in PaP to Cite Soliel (Cite Soliel is the most poverty striken and dangerous spot in the Western Hemisphere. Used to be in the world at one point, but I think the middle east & other places have it beat now). So I guess that helps explains some things. I didn't know that.
Apparently a lot of families will try everything, like seeing the witch doctor, before coming to the hospital. So the patient, esp. the babies, are very bad off when they get here since they don't come here first. But apparently the Haitians like to sue (or whatever term they use) if the baby dies because they blame it on the last medicine that was given. So sometimes the Haitian doctors are slow to start aggressive treatment because if the baby dies without treatment, then they can't be blamed (so unfortunate that it's like that because of that). These babies chances of survival even with aggressive treatment is so-so here, so I guess they have to make that call of who to try to treat aggressively. Apparently they don't blame the foreigners for their babies dying though (even though they're doing almost the same thing the Haitian MD's would do).
Oh, and another random story is that apparently patients were throwing trash in the cholera toilets, so the machine wouldn't collect the stool. So now someone has to manually (by hand), go in and remove the trash from the cholera stool. So glad that's not going to be me.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Joe also drove me to the airport. We got in 2 hours later than planned, so he was going 85 mph down the highway. We got there at 3:40 pm and my flight was at 4:35pm. Luckily I didn't have to check any bags, but the security line was super long! But I tried to be patient and figure God would work it out even if I missed the flight (since he's worked out everything else). I got to the terminal at 4:12 and they were just finishing unloading the previous flight. I made it in time and had time to get lunch. I'm so excited to see Wilshaw. I think sometimes last minute plans make it super exciting because it wasn't something you were expecting. Although it's not good practice to follow because the flights cost a lot more the day before. I found a ticket from Miami to PaP (for when I return) for $180, but I had to wait for Nathan's approval since Loma Linda University would be paying for it. Well, by the way we bought it about 2 or 3 hours later, it cost $260. Crazy! So God, I know that's a lot of money and there are people who don't have enough money for clean water and food in Haiti. So I need to be humble and thankful that I get this opportunity.
Well, the flight is descending! Yea!! Also, I just thought of paved roads. Hallelujah- what a difference that makes!
9/12/10 (1130)
I am so thankful for this morning to sleep in, study Your word, relax, and play with Pepper (Wilshaw's cousin's dog). Nicky and Ian (Wilshaw's cousin), house is gorgeous and I'm very thankful they've allowed me to stay here. I'm not used to the cold so I'm here very cold even though it's really not that cold compared to Pennsylvania.
I think being in Haiti that God is teaching me how to balance my viewpoint, not be so cynical towards America, and not to judge those who choose to live in luxury. While I still think that living in excess comfort can be dangerous spiritually, I realized that most people (including Haitians), would choose to seek that first over helping their fellow brothers (as we can see the rich Haitians don't do much for their fellow countrymen that are suffering). And a lot of greed, corruption, etc is everywhere (I guess in my mind I thought America was the worst...but sin is the same everywhere, unfortunately. It just comes out in different ways in different places, but Jesus is the same solution for everyone and everywhere). So I'm not saying it's right no matter where you live, but it's helping me not to be judgmental because God is the judge, not us. He said the way we judge is the way we will be judged by Him. So I'll leave the judging up to Him. And I can't feel guilty about where I come from, but just try not to live above my means/needs.
Right now, in Haiti they are protesting because Jude Celestin was one of the top 2 presidential candidates from Nov. 28th election. There were 19 candidates and for one person to win this election, they needed to get more than 50% of the votes. Since no one did, they take the top 2 winners and vote between them in January. The person with the highest votes was Mirlande Manigat, and then Jude Celestin. And then less than 1% behind Jude Celestin was Michel Martelly. Well the riots are mainly Jude Celestin supporters and Michel Martelly supporters because it's believed that Jude Celesti rigged the results into winning (well, I believe it because one of the translators told me he was offered money to vote for Jude). Jude Celestin is engaged to the current president's, Rene Preval, daughter. So of course that is a little suspicious. So that's why people are so upset and protesting. Also if Celestin won he wouldn't do anything different than the current president is doing (which isn't much to help & make changes). I don't like to get involved with politics, but whoever wins this one will make a big difference for Haiti during this recovering phase. All in all, I pray that people truly turn to You instead of voo-doo and other things.
In contrast, I am relaxing comfortably in a fancy and expensive house. I'm not judging their choose, but I know this isn't for me. I think being away from the comfort I'm used to and undergoing various trials has lead me to grow closer to God. My friend Lindsay asked me how my walk with God was and she told me she always feels closer to God overseas because (paraphrased) in those times when you are not living comfortably and undergoing trials, we are often closest to God. But it's a hard concept. I don't think everyone has to live in another country necessarily for that to happen, but I think undergoing trials really does make us grow closer to God if we seek Him.
Tuesday night, Wilshaw took me for Mexican food. Double yum! And then Wednesday I went to his work. His co-workers are nice and fun to be around. We had breakfast and lunch together. They ordered Pad Thai. So I've had my fill- Mexican and Thai food. I met Dr. Rathjen again (one of the top specialty pediatric orthopedic surgeons I worked with in Haiti for a week). Apparently when Wilshaw emailed him to tell him I was coming, he emailed back within an hour and said to have me come visit him. He said I helped him out a lot. I don't necessary remember what I did for his group (we get new groups every week), but I'm thankful that I was able to help them. He was asking if I applied for a job in the hospital yet. Well, I think I would get a job knowing him, but I'm not sure yet if I want to work in orthopedics. I'd like to get some ICU experience.
Wilshaw and I did some shopping errands, including my fingerprints, yea!! So nice to wear a pair of jeans. I haven't in 3 months. We rented the movie "babies" and enjoyed leftovers. It's nice to be around my best friend. The time will go fast though. I'm getting things done while he's working. I'm going to pick pictures out to print for some patients & Haitian friends, practice Kreyol, and read. I am glad for another day to relax. Lord, please be with my friends in Haiti.
10/12/10 (1137)
How excellent is God's name. How righteous and holy are His ways. How short I fall of His standards, so the greatest gift is grace through Jesus Christ. There is lots of deception in this world and how detrimental it can be to let down my guard. I always need to be on my toes and testing the things I read or hear. Lord, I am very bad at sharing with those around me what I am learning from You. May You give me the confidence to do this. And help Wilshaw & I to keep You in the center and us to be 2 sinners saved by Your grace at Your feet seeking Your truth. Work in our hearts and guide our conversations. I can see why marriage is supposed to help make you more like God if you allow it too. Being in a relationship brings out the best and worst in you and forces you to acknowledge the ugly sin because it affects that other person. You might be able to hide it better if you are single. And then to hopefully repent from it so your relationship can function better and we become more like Christ. Well, I'm not clearly an expert in this arena (since I'm not married), but it's something to think about since that might be what God has in store for me and Wilshaw in the future. Marriage will be worth it, but it's not something to take lightly that's for sure!
Help me Lord, not to be bossy, easily annoyed over silly things, and unintentionally tearing someone down (even though my intention was to help them change). That's an ugly side in me sometimes (Wilshaw knows, unfortunately it comes out in front of him sometimes). I think as humans we can often put a lot of pressure on each other over things that only God can fulfill in our life. It's hard at times because living as You desire us is going against the grain of culture. We need You to help us do that.
It was such a blessing to meet up with Dr. Mike, Anna, and Jenny at the Korean restaurant. I worked with the 3 of them the same week as Dr. Ranthjen. Dr. Mike is finishing up his fellowship at the Scottish Rite Hospital (that's where Wilshaw works if I didn't mention that before). They are Christians as well, and it was great talking to them. May You bless Mike and Anna's new move/ministry to Philadelphia next year. I am excited to know Jenny because she is a nurse that works at Children's.
So I was excited because I got the pictures printed for the patients, but then I got a call that the flights to PaP were canceled through Sunday. And then I couldn't get a flight back until Friday. I actually really wanted to get back by Monday (to hand out the pictures and say bye to those not returning), so I pray for a flight to open earlier. But I won't let it discourage me because all things work out for Your good, Lord. Well, at least I'll get more time here in Texas with Wilshaw. I will rejoice in each day!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Week 13
28/11/10 (0847)
It's a brand new week! I am thankful for the bible study books I have. Brian lent me a book on the end time delusions. I pray for wisdom and insight into this topic. There are a lot of false theories and misinterpretations. I am also glad for a wonderful nights rest on the roof. I never get tired of the beautiful sun, moon, stars, and sky that You have formed. It's like the song "O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderful, consider all the worlds Thy hands have made." (How Great Thou Art).
I dawned on me that I'm going to feel so cooped up when I go home. I am used to buildings without windows and half walls. Everything is not enclosed so that you get a breeze since there is no A/C. And I'm sleeping on a hospital bed that is actually comfortable. I finally found a pillow! I was just using some clothes before.
I was laughing when I thought about when Phillip, one of the CBM (rehab techs), showed one of his patients a picture of another patient that was in worse off condition than that patient in order to motivate the patient to get moving and stop complaining. Lol, I wish I could use that technique back home, but that would definitely break HIPPA.
Well, it's time to start this election day.
29/11/10 (1355)
I enjoyed going around this morning with Sondy and Wendia to read bible verses to the patients in Kreyol (I had the kids read it because their pronunciation is better). It's a slow Monday because it's the day after the election and we still don't have an anesthesiologist and working C-arm. We did all the wound vac changes yesterday so there really isn't much medically to do today.
It is funny because everyone who voted has a black permanent mark on their thumb. Apparently that is their way of knowing if you voted already. Definitely makes it obvious who voted and who didn't. Can you imagine them doing that in America. I've only seen 2 people who have voted so far. A lot of people said they didn't bother voting because nothing would change anyway.
Last night I read my milk book and spoke to Marc for awhile. I am fighting a cold so I had to take it easy today. Unfortunately I passed my cold on to Sondy. So I gave him juice and oatmeal since I made him sick. We sat outside last night and chatted. I really love those 2 kids. I think I really like the ages 11 and 12. They're still somewhat innocent but old enough to be able to do more.
Lord, a good question to reflect on is what do my actions make people think. Do I represent You with my actions. Some times I think yes, sometimes no. And the difference is when am I living in the spirit and when I am not. It is good to keep in mind that actions speak louder than words.
30/11/10 (0721)
I can't believe it's the last day in November!! The time is flying. I'll be happy to see my friends and family in less than 3 months, but I will miss some things here. The friends I'm making and speaking Kreyol. As the Christmas season approaches and it doesn't feel like "normal" Christmas scene for me (It's 80-90 degrees, no Christmas songs, and no Christmas lights), it makes you realize what the real meaning of Christmas is for those who celebrate it as the birth of Christ. It's good to reflect on all that You did on this earth!
I like the idea that through us interceding in prayer for those unable or unwilling, that we learn compassion as we pray for them. And as we pray for those that may not like us, we are also able to bless someone who is cursing us when we allow the Spirit to lead us. Then God intercedes in situations that Satan had control of people. The example was Abigail interceding for her husband, who really didn't deserve it because he was lazy and a fool. So the same for us we are not interceding because we will gain something out of it or the because the person deserves it (in human terms). We didn't deserve Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, but God has so much compassion for us that He sent his sinless son Jesus to bear all our sins so that we may live eternally with Him. So I know I need to spend more time in prayer for others. In the morning, throughout the day, and at night. It's like the bible verse "Pray without ceasing." Prayer being communication with God. It keeps our thoughts, and thus our actions, on godly things.
I love the group of people here. There were 9 of us doing pilates in the hallway yesterday. So fun! And I love how we have been cooking and eating together. We had another slow day again today. So I had lots of time to sit down and practice Kreyol today.
4/12/10 (0811)
Wow, it's been awhile since I've written in my journal. I'm so glad that even though I didn't get a lot of sleep that I feel awake, refreshed, and joyful this Sabbath morning. It's enjoyable to be around others who keep the Sabbath too because it makes it a joy more than something that causes me to have to miss out on things. I was glad to go to divine service with Sondy again. I am glad for my bible lesson studies to provoke learning more about God and His truth. There is so much in the scriptures to learn! You can never be finished learning. And you truly can learn something new about verses every time.
There were so many thoughts I wanted to shared, but now I can't remember them all. One story was when some of the Haitian female cleaning staff pointed out my phone on the pocket near my breast. They said that's no good because it causes cancer. I just thought it was so generous and good that they have that idea. Oh...and I also decided that I don't like being in charge of other adults. I wouldn't want to be a manager or charge nurse. Yesterday I had to mention to Onaphee, one of the best nurses at the hospital, that this patient still needs the antibiotic (no one gave it the day before). It wasn't her working the day before but she still got defensive about it. It's hard because she's my friend and I wasn't trying to blame here. Just inform here that the patient still needed the antibiotic. Well, I know there were many more thoughts and observations but I can't think of them right now.
4/12/10 (2241)
Today was such a blessing even though I didn't get to get away from the hospital (it's been 1 month since I've gone anywhere except the Delimart). I was supposed to go to Stella's house but she forgot about something she had to do. After lunch today we listened to a sermon. Then Marc & I headed to our only "oasis" here, the roof, for a nap and reading. Sam's mom made us food for dinner. Delicious!! We ate on the roof and chatted for a couple hours on God. It was truly a blessing. I don't think I've really ever had this type of group- Marc, Brian, and Audra. We have grown close over a short period of time (since we are around each other 16/7....I took 8 hours off for sleep but even then we are around each other sometimes when we sleep on the roof). So we feel comfortable talking about more personal things and many topics of the bible. It is really helping me grow as a Christian and have accountability. We talked about many things- if ignorance is a good or bad thing (spiritually and in terms of what is happening in the world), drums/worship styles, our behavior affecting how others view us as Christians and ultimately how they then view God.
I have learned: 1) I need to be the thermometer, not the temperature when someone is upsetting me (keep my cool). 2) I need to share what I am learning with others. 3)I need to study the verses that confuse me for myself in depth until I feel like God gives me understanding. 4) I need to understand the concepts behind all the things we do/obey as a church (it's good to know why you do what you do. See where it is in scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit - even the little things. To see/resolve differences. Is it a matter of salvation or opinion/preference). 5) I need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in me over issues He may be trying to teach/convict me.
So I feel refreshed even though I did not get to leave. We are going somewhere next weekend, we've all decided. So after talking to Marc, I think I might be interested in being a PA (Physician Assistant). Apparently, you have to specialize as a Nurse Practitioner so if you wanted to switch specialties you would have to go back to 2 more years of school. As a PA, you can just do a fellowship for any specialty if you wanted to switch. I am still going to do floor nursing for a couple more years, but I know I can't do it my whole life (mostly because of the cliques and cattiness of the co-workers. Marc said it was like that in the ICU too).
I am glad that I have set up a routine here. Exercises M, W, F. Group bible study W, F. Kreyol lessons Tu, Thur. Cook and blog on Sunday. It's nice to have a little more structure. I never had structure back home because of my rotating work schedule. It's a little frustrating that I cannot just go to the market by myself now that I can ask how much it cost and I know the numbers and names of the fruits & vegetables. I feel bad asking Mac all the time because he does so much for us all. It's just the overcharge us way to much. There is no set price, so they charge you what they think you can afford. Being a blan automatically makes the price 2 or 3 times the normal. If you've dressed extra nice as a Haitian they charge you more too. I told Mac he needed to dress down when he goes shopping for us. For example, the lady at first wanted to charge us 10 Haitian dollar for 1 papaya (which his $1.20 USD) she brought it down to 8 HD ($1 USD), which is just ridiculous price for here. It's hard because I don't like supporting us getting completely ripped off. It's hard because I know the Haitians struggle day to day to just survive at times, but I don't think it means we should pay way more than it's worth just because we have more money. I like to support their businesses and economy. I dunno...I'm open for discussion about this.
I really am enjoying the Dietrich's (the Ortho doctor and his wife). I didn't realize they were 65. They look and act a lot younger. They have a lot of energy and Dr. Dietrich how so much passion still for orthopedics. It inspires me to find the job I love so I can be most effective. And being here makes you realize how much opportunity we really do have in America. I know right now opportunities are more limited because of the economy and lots of people who can't find jobs, but in general we have way more opportunities, especially as women.
And variety of so much. Especially food- the first thing I want back in America is Mexican food! I've been craving a taco salad!! And variety in things to do for fun and things to learn.
Apparently voodoo was also made an official religion here. The current president practices voodoo. And I guess a lot of people who go to church services go just because of fear of voodoo. Apparently it affects even the Christians here and they have superstitions because of it. Apparently a lot of evil comes out of voodoo. We were talking about how much should you know about the secular culture and other religions of places you are ministering in. Marc said you don't want to know more about voodoo or you will have nightmares. I believe her on that one, but she also said if we have faith in God we have no reason to fear. We know He has won the battle over evil already. We were talking about how for things to truly change in Haiti (and America too), it needs to be a change in the mindset of faith and trust in God. And turning away from idols and things like voodoo. Because Haiti didn't start falling apart after the earthquake. Unfortunately it has been falling apart for many years.
It's sad to see the children not get what they should deserve (clean water, food, education, etc). And I think it's hard for parents because some of them feel like their children would have a better opportunity of survival and opportunity in America so people have asked us as foreigners to adopt their children. My patient Jonas asked me if I wanted his 2 children. He felt that since he lost his leg he will not be able to support his family anymore. It does make you wonder why some people have to suffer more than others, but God we know You love all Your children equally and You want us all to join You eternally. So You make that opportunity equal for everyone. So no matter what situation we have to live in or endure here on earth, we all have the chance of living with You eternally in Heaven. We are called to bear with each other and help each other out on this earth. It will never be fair and perfect on this earth because of sin, but we can do our part to have compassion on each other and not to be selfish. The two great commands are "Love Thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength. And the second is to love thy neighbor as thyself."
We're sleeping on the roof again tonight. It's actually a little chilly. I'm like a Haitian now- thinking it's cold when it's 70 degrees. And I don't think it's rained in weeks. I'm so used to rain a couple times a week in Pittsburgh. Well, I know there were other stories I wanted to share, but I can't remember them anymore.
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